Lesson Idea

Investigating Crime Statistics

Theme: Laws and Crime
Relates to WACC: ACHCK050, ACHCK063, ACHCK064, ACHCK077, ACHCK090, VCCCG029, VCCCL022, VCCCL023, VCCCL034
  • The Australian Bureau of Statistics provides recent information focussing on crime statistics. Ask students to access the website to research crime data for their state or territory and conduct a group discussion about these statistics.  During this discussion it is important to highlight that the media can sometimes misrepresent crime statistics.  Students access the Western Australian Police Force Crime Statistics website, read the notes and explain why we need to be careful when reading quotes about crime statistics in the media.
    Alternatively, students access the Crime Statistics Agency webpage explanatory notes section and explore Data Source, Scope and Coverage and Victoria Police recorded crimes standards and practice.
  • Students use the Western Australia Police Force Crime Statistics or Crime Statistics Agency (Crimes by Area) website to search for a particular neighbourhood’s crime statistics (compare different neighbourhoods). They graph a particular year’s data and observe trends. Invite students to suggest reasons for the rise and fall in the statistics (seasonal crime such as at Christmas) and the effect that this might have on the individual and community. (This may be used for summative assessment.)
  • Hold a class discussion about crimes in the news. Organise the students into pairs.  Ask students to research and discuss the types of crimes that are prevalent in the media. Explain that each pair will select two media articles focusing on crimes and complete the Law in the Media worksheet. (This information may be used for formative assessment.)
  • Use the Crime Storyboard worksheet to create a storyboard that illustrates what happens when a law is broken. Students are to use the storyboard to:
    • record what happened
    • explain which law was broken
    • suggest strategies to avoid this situation in the future

Students can also use the story board information and an app such as Vyond, to create an animated version of their research.

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