Lesson Idea
Protecting What We Value
Theme: Active Citizenship
Relates to WACC: ACHCK050, ACHCK062, ACHCK076, ACHCK078, ACHCK094, VCCCC036, VCCCG020, VCCCG030, VCCCL022, VCCCL034
- Students return to their resource What I Like About Living in Australia and from what they have learnt so far, they may add up to five new items to their list. Students then title the second column ‘Actions I Can Take‘ and the third column ‘Actions Government Can Take‘. They then complete the table adding in the particular actions they can take i.e. reporting suspicious behaviour, or government can take to ensure that these things they like about living in Australia are protected. (Note students could add the level of government responsible for the action they identify).
- For information about the roles and responsibilities of local government students can visit their state or territory local government website. This link will take students into more detail about local government and how it functions.