Lesson Idea
Reporting Crimes To Police
Theme: Why Crime Stoppers Works
Relates to WACC: ACHCK050, ACHCK062, ACHCK078, ACHCK094, VCCCC036, VCCCG020, VCCCL022, VCCCL034
- Why a person reports a crime may depend on their circumstances i.e. are they the victim, a bystander or unseen witness? Discuss with students why each of these circumstances affects people’s actions.
- Provide the class with a copy of the Reasons for reporting a crime handout. Explain the scenario and activity. Students will be placed into groups of 3. Each group is to nominate a victim, bystander and unseen witness. Each role member selects reasons from the list for reporting the crime:
- have feelings of social responsibility and clear ideas between right and wrong
- want to reduce the impact of crime on local communities
- have been directly affected by crime on their lives or property (if things stolen etc.)
- believe that it will make a difference
- increase their personal safety
- help police charge the person and prevent them from committing it again
- access help and support services
- apply for financial assistance
- make an insurance claim for damaged or stolen property
Each group discusses their decisions and choosing a spokesperson, reports back to class.
- A person’s decision whether to report a crime to police may be influenced by a range of factors such as:
- the characteristics of the victim
- the nature of the offence
- attitudes towards police
- the victim’s relationship to the offender.
Hold a class discussion on why each of these may prevent people from reporting a crime to the police.
- Make comparisons with classroom/playground environment – what systems are in your school for reporting antisocial behaviour or rule breaking. Discuss what works, what doesn’t and why?