Lesson Idea

Taking Community Action

Theme: Active Citizenship
Relates to WACC: ACHCK050, ACHCK062, ACHCK076, ACHCK078, ACHCK094, VCCCC036, VCCCG020, VCCCG030, VCCCL022, VCCCL034

Explore your state or territory community-based initiatives that assist in keeping our neighbourhoods safe and provide citizens with ways to be active.

Neighbourhood Watch Australasia is an overarching organisational body, embracing Neighbourhood Watch programs in Australia and the Neighbourhood Watch Support Program of New Zealand.  Each state and territory has its own Neighbourhood Watch initiative that enables citizens to help keep their communities safe. These initiatives encourage citizens to report suspicious behaviour using the Crime Stoppers process.

  • To understand how Neighbourhood Watch can assist citizens in making their community safer, visit the Neighbourhood Watch Australia website, find your state or territory link and explore the information page or video with your students.
  • To enable students to practise their observation and reporting skills, visit the WA Police Force observation and reporting techniques training videos.
    Watch as a class the introductory video Eyes on the Street and Neighbourhood Watch. Discuss the categories of suggested observations. For example, physical features and clothing. Ask students to watch Scenario 1 Bus Stop and individually jot down their observations. Once the clip has finished, students can pair and share their observations, identifying similarities and differences.

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